Letter from Bethlehem

A letter from the mother of the Bethlehem family
I’m very happy to know that there are such people like you thinking about the Palestinians and feels with them. We are still under the same situation but always thank God for his protection and blessings. It’s summer now, my son always attends to the Boy Scout activities, and is enjoying them, while my other son had his Tawjihi* graduation on the 17th of May. And tomorrow is his last official exam. He tried his best, I wish he will get a good mark.
God bless you
Thank you
*Tawjihi Exams: The exams are taken during the last year of high school and determines not only whether a student will be permitted to enroll in university, but will also limit their selection of majors and classes. Thank God that he was successful in the Tawjihi. He wants to study business in Bethlehem University.