Gratitude and Hope

“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8
Thank You!
To the Brick Oven Bakery for hosting our fall fundraiser on Saturday, September 28th.
Also for the support of NUMC members who visited the Brick Oven Bakery during this fundraiser as well as making donations to this project.
This year yielded our biggest result in our 4 years of holding this event. The Brick Oven Bakery gave us 10% of that day’s sales, which netted $290.00, and $305.27 was received in donations. As a result MICAH is close to the total for our annual family sponsorship commitment of $650.00. With warm and grateful hearts - The MICAH Team.
Additional Thanks...
Micah appreciates our many NUMC friends who have purchased tickets for the November 5th Palestine Dinner and for the many who are helping to make this event possible.
Our new Bethlehem Family with two young children will be announced at the dinner. Look for a report and photos from this event in the December Herald.
Prayer requests from Bethlehem Bible College
• For an immediate cease-fire.
• For humanitarian aid to come into Gaza, and that it will be enough for all the people who are in need.
• For comfort and strength for those who lost loved ones.
• For a concrete international solution to the conflict, for the release of the hostages, and for wisdom for leaders on all sides.
• For us as a college to continue to be the voice of peace, a beacon of light, and support for those who are in need.
Note: Family Sponsorships in Bethlehem are a project of The Shepherd Society, which is the outreach arm of Bethlehem Bible College. These are part of the global United Methodist Church.