Sunday morning worship service begins at 9:30am. Nursery available for infants and toddlers if needed during Sunday worship service.
Thank you to all who contributed to the Emma Norton Services mission raffle and donations. Northfield United Women in Faith support the Emma Norton mission helping the homeless and women with special challenges in Ramsey County. Quilt winner is not known at this time.
Mission Rummage Sale – Sale Dates are June 21 & 22.
Early Drop off in classroom #121 – Sunday, June 16 until noon.
June 17 & 18 1:00 to 4:00 PM only. A representative of UWFaith will be there to receive your treasures. Please, do not go to the office!
Clearing out Fellowship Hall Tuesday, June 18 - 6:30-8:30 PM
June 19, 20 - Set up the Sale in Fellowship Hall – 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Drop off your stuff during this time only. UWFaith members will be there to sort everything at this time.
June 21 Sale is open 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
June 22 Sale open 9:00 AM – 12:00 noon Saturday Take down and clean up 12:00 until done.
United Women in Faith are asking all members to bring clean, usable, mended items for sale.
What you bring should be something you might purchase in another sale at another time.
Furniture in good condition is to be small enough to be carried in by you and out by another.
No TV’s. Electronics need to be usable & with all pieces and cords.
Questions: Contact Catherine at
Household Items - Dorm Room needs - Sports Items - Books
Clothes for all Ages - Miscellaneous - Jewelry
Art Work - Children’s Toys - Collectables - Antiques
Helping hands are needed to make this sale a success. Proceeds go to the United Women in Faith budget to help women, children, and youth of our church and the world.
Alliance Stamp Ministry: All types of cancelled postage stamps and Stamp collections are accepted. Put them in the box in Fellowship Hall. This is an ongoing ministry.
Spend summer time reading the great books in the UWFaith reading library. Find them on the cart to the left in our church library. Children’s books are there, and some are great for youth readers, too.